Michael and Cheryl founded Blue Angel Outreach Inc in 2008. Michael is our pantry coordinator and Cheryl is Executive Director, teacher and Pastor of BAO. They both have a love for Yah (God) and their community.
Michael & Cheryl Blue
Finance Department
Mother Spencer is a woman of wisdom and practices what she preaches. She is a faithful member of BAO and a teacher of the Word of Yah (God). We are blessed to have her as one of our elders in the ministry.
Mother Helen Spencer
Office Manager
Cynthia Currie is a faithful member of BAO, our office manager, teacher, and a woman of integrity who loves Yah with all her heart. She is a giver and a prophetic voice for the nations.
Cynthia Currie
Chain Breakers Chef
Annie Brooks is our Chain Breakers Chef and a faithful member of BAO. She leads by her meek and humble and quiet Spirit.
Annie Brooks
BAO Team Leaders
Pam and Arthur are two of the most giving and loving individuals. They wear many hats in the ministry such as Pantry volunteers, hospitality and much more. Pam teaches the word as led by His spirit.
Pam and Arthur Darby
Customer Support Leader
Jeanne Gamble is one our faithful team members who provides community support with a loving heart and generous giving, delivering food in and out of Moore County
Jeanne Gamble
BAO Member
A faithful BAO member and pantry volunteer.
Carl Criscoe
BAO Member
Saundra Randolph has been a faithful member for more than 30 years and we are grateful to have her as a part of our team,
Saundra Randolph
Teen Leader
Our youngest member of the BAO team. He's an intelligent energetic, productive production worker for the ministry. He loves Yah and loves serving the community.